11 votes

Graphics`Mesh`FindIntersections not working in Mathematica 13.3

$Version "13.3.1 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (July 24, 2023)" ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
7 votes

Parametrization of intersections

Try to solve the two equations for x,z to get a parametrization for the intersection curves {x[y],y,z[y]}: ...
Ulrich Neumann's user avatar
6 votes

Understanding the MeshShading options

I think you are misunderstanding how MeshShading is supposed to work. The way it works is as follows: You give a set of ...
Lukas Lang's user avatar
6 votes

Finding intersection of two curves using mesh functions

This maybe works like before: ...
Goofy's user avatar
  • 2,777
5 votes

How can I determine coordinates of vertex of parabola as intersection of a plane and a cone?

You can use Reduce to find intersection: ...
ubpdqn's user avatar
  • 60.7k
5 votes

Finding intersection points graphically

This method depend on the plotting, it only work for the ideal cases.Here it only work for MaxRecursion -> 2 and ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
5 votes

Efficiently fill an ellipse with a k-many random ellipses

We re-write the code from the document of RegionDisjoint https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/RegionDisjoint.html ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
4 votes

Representation of the intersection between a sphere and a plane

Using the skill of MeshFunction, set the MeshFunction to eqS and set the ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
4 votes

Crossing out region on surface

Add MeshShading -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, {HalftoneShading[], Automatic}} etc.
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
4 votes

Efficiently fill an ellipse with a k-many random ellipses

Using DiscretizeRegion: (as a guide) ...
Syed's user avatar
  • 53.7k
4 votes

Efficiently fill an ellipse with a k-many random ellipses

One way to get non-overlapping ellipses is to place their centers far enough apart that they don't overlap no matter how they are oriented: use HardcorePointProcess to determine the centers, within a ...
tad's user avatar
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4 votes

Conic sections: intersection of a plane and a cone. How can I change the equation of the plane to get conic sections automatically?

For any plane equation {a,b,c}.{x,y,z}=d, we use MeshFunction->Function[{x, y, z}, {a, b, c} . {x, y, z} - d and ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
4 votes

Conic sections: intersection of a plane and a cone. How can I change the equation of the plane to get conic sections automatically?

EDIT: I've rewritten pre-existing code significantly in addition to ImplicitRegion tricks below. First of all using RegionPlot3D ...
kirma's user avatar
  • 19.1k
3 votes

How can I determine coordinates of vertex of parabola as intersection of a plane and a cone?

Need to contain the intersection line of the bottom of the cone? ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
3 votes

Finding intersection points from ParametricPlot

Since the original code does not work on 13.3.1 in my Windows,here we try to use Region`Mesh`FindSegmentIntersections ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
2 votes

Representation of the intersection between a sphere and a plane

You can also use Region functionality. As an example: ...
Syed's user avatar
  • 53.7k
2 votes

Graphics`Mesh`FindIntersections not working in Mathematica 13.3

Same problem with Annotation is in Finding intersection of two curves using mesh functions: ...
Goofy's user avatar
  • 2,777
1 vote

Plot a surface between three intersecting curves using 3D data sets

I arrived at the answer. Personal opinion is there is not enough ListPlot3D material here on Stack Exchange, so I hope this will still help someone someday. Basically I combined all lists into one ...
Ryan Lobjoit's user avatar
1 vote

How can I draw the intersection of a cone and a plane?

Set PlotRange in Region. ...
cvgmt's user avatar
  • 72.7k
1 vote

Trying to surround the area produced by intersecting surfaces with a boundary line

boundary = RegionPlot3D[DiscretizeRegion @ intersection, PlotStyle -> None, BoundaryStyle -> Directive[Red, Thick]] ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 395k
1 vote

Intersection of region with triangular lattice in 2D

The Solve had probably problems with {Sqrt[3] i, 3 (2 j + Mod[i, 2])} but if I use ...
azerbajdzan's user avatar
  • 16.8k
1 vote

Join two lists by using the first element

l1 = {{a1, a2, a3}, {b1, b2, b3}, {c1, c2, c3}}; l2 = {{a1, n1}, {c1, n2}}; Using SortBy and ...
E. Chan-López's user avatar
1 vote

Join two lists by using the first element

eldo's user avatar
  • 69.5k
1 vote

Bug or undocumented behaviour in Intersection

a = N @ Table[{i, i^2}, {i, 10}]; b = N @ Table[{2 i, Sqrt[i]}, {i, 5}]; Using KeyIntersection ...
eldo's user avatar
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