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12 votes

Fitting an exponential model: Mathematica vs. Excel

You fit a different model with Excel than what you fit with Mathematica which is why the coefficient estimates do not match. To get the coefficient estimates you present from Excel, the equivalent ...
JimB's user avatar
  • 42.3k
11 votes

How can I replace ; with , in an imported excel file and to delete "

Import as Table instead of CSV, and set the "FieldSeparators" option. ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
10 votes

Mathematica and Excel

data = Import["ExampleData/elements.xls", {"Data", 1}] headers = data[[1]] ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 399k
9 votes

Fitting an exponential model: Mathematica vs. Excel

A logistic fit looks much better than your exponential: ...
Roman's user avatar
  • 49.3k
8 votes

Problem with Excel operation in NETLink way

In the Excel object model, the worksheet symbol Cells represents a property, not a method. In Visual Basic and other languages, many properties have a default ...
WReach's user avatar
  • 69.2k
8 votes

Can I Import data into Google Spreadsheet using a Wolfram Cloud API?

Yes, it's possible to do that. Here is a toy code. ...
Murta's user avatar
  • 26.3k
7 votes

Importing Excel File as Dataset

Like the previous answer mentions, excel imports as a list Datasets corresponding to each sheet. There's a couple approaches you can take. If you have multiple sheets of interest, anything you do will ...
GenericAccountName's user avatar
6 votes

Hard time creating arrays with For/Do

You are clearly a beginner. Experienced Mathematica users run away in panic when presented so many For loops. Using Do is better ...
Gustavo Delfino's user avatar
6 votes

Code to emulate what excel does in cells

This is simply a translation of the recursive rules indicated: ...
MarcoB's user avatar
  • 67.6k
6 votes

How to Export my results to an excel sheet

I think you probably want to use NSolve instead of Reduce. roots = x /. NSolve[x Tan[x] == 5 && 0 <= x <= 100, x] Export["outfile.xls", roots] This ...
Mike Colacino's user avatar
6 votes

How to Export my results to an excel sheet

Actually, the conversion of Sequence into the List can be done easy: ...
Rom38's user avatar
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6 votes

Plot Excel data From Different Sheets

Create an excel workbook with three sheets: ...
kglr's user avatar
  • 399k
6 votes

How can I export a Dataset with graphics as an Excel file?

This solution will use external resources: python with a third-party library. Requirements: Python: use the official site to install Python xlsxwriter library: ...
Ben Izd's user avatar
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5 votes

Problem with Excel export with specific hyperlink

It is a bug. The source of the problem is the presence of symbols "{", "}", ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
5 votes

Import CSV spreadsheet slow

Your code opens and closes the file 2500 times for each variable. That will create some overhead. You may use the "Data" import specification for ...
Edmund's user avatar
  • 43.1k
5 votes

Printing an array such that the values can be copied and pasted to a Excel Row

I suggest to print the data as a "TSV" string in a separate Cell: ...
Alexey Popkov's user avatar
5 votes

Excel to Mathematica and plot

As mentioned in the comment above, the CSV file can be imported programmatically, which has been explained clearly in document of CSV, but I'd like introduce a more user-friendly approach in this ...
xzczd's user avatar
  • 67.6k
5 votes

Problem with Excel operation in NETLink way

It works with code. Scan[(ws@Cells[#, #]@Value = #*100) &, Range@10] It seems that vars i in ...
Jerry's user avatar
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5 votes

Mathematica switches file formats on import

You should always specify the format in Import. "Data" is not the format. It is the input element. Add the format to the command....
Szabolcs's user avatar
  • 236k
5 votes

Remove errors from sublists after Excel import

You seem to have a problem that Excel puts some errors containing string expressions. If they appear in random places but you know how they look you can delete them based on their pattern. After you ...
Vitaliy Kaurov's user avatar
5 votes

Import PDF files embedded in an Excel file's cell

XLSX file is nothing else than a simple ZIP archive. If PDFs were properly embedded in the Excel document, you will find them in the xl/embeddings folder, stored as ...
Domen's user avatar
  • 30.5k
5 votes

Can we extract Excel cell’s background colors?

I think this should put you on the right track: Create an Excel NETObject: ...
Sjoerd Smit's user avatar
  • 24.3k
5 votes

How to export a list of Datasets in separate sheets in XLSX?

Either it is not supported yet or there is some weird syntax for it. Anyway, you can make it work by evaluating the following code: ...
Domen's user avatar
  • 30.5k
4 votes

How to write data from Mathematica to an existing formatted Excel file?

Here's a go at doing things from the extracted XML level. I only bothered to do this for the values, but if I ever use this I'll extend it to styles too probably. One note before we start is that ...
b3m2a1's user avatar
  • 47k
4 votes

Using a Mathematica function in Excel

This works for me when I attmept to enter a FinancialDerivative call into Excel using ExcelLink: ...
ktm's user avatar
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4 votes

Drawing a surface using an Excel file

Your data is not properly imported: things like 9.614679E+13 are not valid number in Mathematica. Once again, without knowing how you imported the data, it's hard ...
xzczd's user avatar
  • 67.6k
4 votes

How can I replace ; with , in an imported excel file and to delete "

ToExpression[StringReplace[ToString[file], ";" -> ","]] {{0.0472, 120.9091}, {0.0454, 113.0303}, {0.0441, 106.6667}, {0.0442, 106.6667}, {0.0437, 103....
MeMyselfI's user avatar
  • 1,116
4 votes

How can I replace ; with , in an imported excel file and to delete "

ToExpression[file /. {a_String} :> StringSplit[a, ";"]]
Chris Degnen's user avatar
4 votes

How to import XLSX data as integers?

Konstantin, Welcome to MSE. If the data values are either 0 or 1, you can use IntegerPart to convert after importing. ...
Rohit Namjoshi's user avatar
4 votes

Exporting multiple lists (x1,y1...n) (x2,y2..n)of different lengths into same excel files separated by spaces of two columns between each (x,y) list?

Does this do what you want? ...
LouisB's user avatar
  • 12.7k

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