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Questions on the manipulation of String objects in Mathematica, and the functions used for these manipulations.

2 votes

StringCases functionality on a varying rows of data

One way using string patterns and StringCases like this: string = ImportString["<12> cfg <15.21> bhg v<(24)> e<65> True <12> cfg <15.21> bhg v<33> e<(77)> False <83> fff <67> …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
4 votes

StringCases functionality

You say you manipulated the string before and that's why it's missing a brace at the end. It looks like you may have deformed a JSON string, in which case you did yourself a big disservice as such lis …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
2 votes

Swap first and last names in a list

Two ways I think will work for you, if not please provide some sample data: list = ImportString["Lastname, Firstname, Initial Lastname, Firstname, Initial Lastname, Firstname, Initial Lastna …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
20 votes

Opposite of StringSplit

A combination of StringJoin and Riffle: res = StringSplit["a b c d e f g"," "]; StringJoin@Riffle[res," "]
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
17 votes

Get all pairs of same consecutive characters from string?

str = "AabHHioPjggtYuggbwq"; StringCases[str, x_ ~~ x_, IgnoreCase -> True] {"Aa", "HH", "gg", "gg"} Or in the generalized version of the question: str = "AaAbHHhhhioPjggtYuggGgGbwq"; StringCa …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
3 votes

How to add the capital letters to Caesar´s Code?

I think you can work this out on your own so I wasn't intending to answer it, but I'll answer it since I'm not satisfied with the other answers so far. This is the simplest extension, in my mind, to y …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
7 votes

Rule-based deletions from string list

You would need something like DeleteSubsequenceCases, but it doesn't exist. I would recommend this instead: SequenceReplace[lis, {d_?(StringMatchQ[NumberString]), ___, "X"} :> d] If X only appears …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
7 votes

Extract substrings with defined length from a string

Using Repeated: StringCases[ str, Repeated[_, {3}] ~~ " and " ~~ Repeated[_, {3}], Overlaps -> True ] {"his and tha", "hit and tha"} Note the use of Overlaps which is necessary for strings such …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
7 votes

How to capitalize the first letter of each word in a string

While I endorse Mr.Wizard's pattern matching solution and I've given Istvàn +1 I would also like to submit this function which is meant to not rely on string patterns and be as readable as possible: …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
1 vote

How to construct tuples with a given order?

It's a brute force approach: set = CharacterRange["A", "E"]; n = 4; tuples = Tuples[set, n]; Select[tuples, Order[#[[1]], #[[2]]] == 1 && And @@ Negative@Differences@Ordering@Rest[#] &] {"A", " …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
1 vote

How to remove duplicate characters from a string?

Just another way to do it without converting the string to a list. You have to define the character range. rest[x_ /; x == {}] := {} rest[x_] := Rest[x] str = "113233454766"; (str = StringReplacePa …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
2 votes

Mathematica regex equvalent of \l

I believe this is what you want. StringCases["Abba", RegularExpression["(.).*(?=(?i:\\1))[a-z]"]] (?=(?i:\\1)) is a lookahead which says, "if the next character matches \1 in any case," but then it …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
3 votes

Splitting strings at lower case characters and numbers

elements = SortBy[ElementData[#, "Abbreviation"] & /@ ElementData[], Minus@*StringLength]; StringCases["Fe3O2", DigitCharacter .. | elements] {"Fe", "3", "O", "2"} (Thanks to Mr.Wizard for synt …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
2 votes

How do I pad numbers to the left so that all are the same length?

One way: If[StringLength@# == 1, "0" <> #, #] &@*ToString /@ {-6, 1, 3, 23} Another way: StringJoin@*(ToString /@ PadLeft[#, 2] &)@*Characters@*ToString /@ {-6, 1, 3, 23}
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k
6 votes

A too complicated lookup

Another option: AssociationThread[nm -> ln]["tat"] If you store AssociationThread[lm -> ln] in a symbol you can use it for many quick lookups without having to recreate the association every time. …
C. E.'s user avatar
  • 71.2k

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