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Questions about the form and content of output returned by Mathematica for a given input or function application. This can include specific differences produced by older versions of Mathematica.

1 vote

Writing a math formula to order results in a certain way

With the posted data, it is impossible to get the four rows (ENRJ, GENE, ZIOP, DWTI) to rank higher than other rows using linear scoring rules topfour = {a, b, c}.# & /@ Rationalize[Cases[data, {A …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
6 votes

Deleting Print results

EvaluationNotebook[], All, EvaluationCell]; NotebookDelete[]; After evaluating the cell NotebookFind[SelectedNotebook[], "Print", All, CellStyle]; Note the CellStyles (highlighted) of an ordinary Output
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
1 vote

Output of Reduce processed by ToRules - how to preserve sublist structure?

solutionsrules = Map[List @* ToRules, expr] Alternatively, you can use solutionsrules2 = solutions /. {And | Or -> List, Equal -> Rule}; solutionsrules2 == solutionsrules True
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
2 votes

How can I pair the values in 2 different tables of the same length together to make a table ...

You can use Join after transforming each element of GenotypesMaleUp to a list: Join[List /@ GenotypesMaleUp, SurvivorsMale, 2] {{2.04545, 0}, {1.80196, 0}, {1.70542, 0}, {1.78403, 0.784521} …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
2 votes

Setting the style of the output in a text file

Using $Output = OpenWrite["demo2.txt", FormatType -> OutputForm] gives the desired result. …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
3 votes

Wrapping EventHandler by Table

You can also use FlipView Row[Table[FlipView[Style["x", 50, Background -> #] & /@ {Gray, Green, Red}], {5}]]
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
2 votes

How can I substitute $s_x$ for Sin[x] in output to make an expression compact

Also: ClearAll[toSubscript] toSubscript = Block[{Sin = Subscript[s, #] &, Cos = Subscript[c, #] &}, # ] &; toSubscript[{Cos[Subscript[α, 1]] + Sin[Subscript[α, 1] + Subscript[α, 2]], Cos[Su …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
2 votes

Clear Style to standard output expressions in the same cell

c + Style[a + b, Red] Style[% /. Style -> (# &), Blue, 24] c + Style[a + b, Red] Style[% /. Style -> (HoldForm@# &), Blue, 24] ReleaseHold @ %
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
5 votes

How can I move the expression down from numerator in TeXForm?

f[n] Defer[1/9] // TeXForm \frac {1} {9} f (n) Slightly more genearally, ClearAll[deferRationalsAndPowers] deferRationalsAndPowers = ReplaceAll[r : (_Rational | Power[_, -1]) :> Defer[r]]; expr …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
3 votes

How to remove parts of a curve?

curve[v_, g_] := ParametricPlot[{Chi[t[tau, v, g], x[tau, v, g]], Eta[t[tau, v, g], x[tau, v, g]]}, {tau, -50, 50}, PlotRange -> All, RegionFunction -> Function[{x, y, u}, Norm[{x, y}, 1] < .999 …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
14 votes

How to make the result of InputForm balance the bracket

If you have Version 11 you can use the function PrettyForm instead of processing InputForm output to get the desired result: Needs["GeneralUtilities`"] Interpolation[{1, 2, 3, 4}] // PrettyForm …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
2 votes

Function that creates a table from two lists

-> True, 2 -> True}] or Grid[Join[{{"Initial Vector", "Period"}}, Transpose[{Row[{"(", Row[#, ","], ")"}] & /@ list1, list2}]] , Dividers -> {2 -> True, 2 -> True}] (* same output … *) or tbl = Table[{Row[{"(", Row[list1[[i]], ","], ")"}], list2[[i]]}, {i, 1, Length@list1}]; Grid[Prepend[tbl, {"Initial Vector", "Period"}], Dividers -> {2 -> True, 2 -> True}] (* same output *) …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
3 votes

Non vector graphics display in a notebook

You can set the $DisplayFunction (default setting for the option DisplayFunction in graphics functions) to Rasterize: $DisplayFunction = Rasterize[#, RasterSize -> 100] &; {Plot[Sin[x], {x, -2, 2}], …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
6 votes

Automatically set x=0, after each input/output ? ($AfterEachInputOutput)

Try CellEpilog: SetOptions[EvaluationNotebook[], CellEpilog :> (x = 0)]
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k
1 vote

How to change the plot style of several curves, in this manipulate box?

directives = {Directive[Thick, RGBColor[0.40, 0.40, 0.80]], Directive[Thickness@Medium, Gray, Dashed], Directive[Thickness@Medium, Gray, Dashed]}; If you do not want to make any changes to fu …
kglr's user avatar
  • 401k