This really bugged me so I used the opportunity to learn a bit more about LibraryLink. I have to say that have a close look at Szabolcs' LTemplate package was significantly more helpful than the actual LibraryLink documentation... Setting up the C++ code: Needs["CCompilerDriver`"]; Needs["GeneralUtilities`"]; LibraryLink`BoilerPlate[funname_String] := StringJoin["#include \"math.h\" #include \"WolframRTL.h\" static WolframCompileLibrary_Functions funStructCompile; static mbool initialize = 1; DLLEXPORT int Initialize_", funname, "(WolframLibraryData libData) { if( initialize) { funStructCompile = libData->compileLibraryFunctions; initialize = 0; } return 0; } DLLEXPORT void Uninitialize_", funname, "(WolframLibraryData libData) { if( !initialize) { initialize = 1; } } "] funname = "writeRealMatrixToFile"; preamble = " #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; "; code = StringJoin[ preamble, "\n\n", LibraryLink`BoilerPlate[funname], "extern \"C\" DLLEXPORT int ", funname, "(WolframLibraryData libData, mint Argc, MArgument * Args, \ MArgument Res) { int err = 0; const char * file = MArgument_getUTF8String(Args[0]); const MTensor a0 = MArgument_getMTensor(Args[1]); const mreal * a = libData->MTensor_getRealData(a0); const char * prefix = MArgument_getUTF8String(Args[2]); const char * infix = MArgument_getUTF8String(Args[3]); const char * suffix = MArgument_getUTF8String(Args[4]); const char * linesep = MArgument_getUTF8String(Args[5]); mint prec = MArgument_getInteger(Args[6]); mint const* dims; dims = libData->MTensor_getDimensions(a0); mint i, j; ofstream outputstream; try {, ofstream::out | ofstream::app); outputstream.precision(prec); outputstream.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); for( i=0; i < (dims[0]-1); i++) { outputstream << prefix; for( j=0; j < dims[1]-1; j++) { outputstream << *a << infix; a++; } outputstream << *a << suffix; a++; outputstream << linesep; } { outputstream << prefix; for( j=0; j < dims[1]-1; j++) { outputstream << *a << infix; a++; } outputstream << *a << suffix; } outputstream.close(); MArgument_setInteger(Res, err); } catch (...) { return LIBRARY_FUNCTION_ERROR; } return LIBRARY_NO_ERROR; } "]; Creating the library in a temporary directory. (If you'd like to reuse the library, just specify a value of choice for `"TargetDirectory"`.) libfile = CreateLibrary[ code, funname, "Language" -> "C++", "TargetDirectory" -> $TemporaryDirectory ]; Loading the library function and creating a wrapper function as rudimentary user interface. If[TrueQ[Head[writeRealMatrixToFile] === LibraryFunction], LibraryFunctionUnload[writeRealMatrixToFile]]; ClearAll[writeRealMatrixToFile]; If[TrueQ[FindLibrary[libfile] =!= $Failed], writeRealMatrixToFile = LibraryFunctionLoad[libfile, funname, { "UTF8String", {Real, 2, "Constant"}, "UTF8String", "UTF8String", "UTF8String", "UTF8String", Integer }, Integer] ]; Options[WriteRealMatrixToFile] = { "Prefix" -> "", "Infix" -> "\t", "Suffix" -> "", "RowSep" -> "\n", "Precision" -> 16 }; WriteRealMatrixToFile[file_String, A_?(MatrixQ[#, Developer`MachineRealQ] &), OptionsPattern[]] := writeRealMatrixToFile[file, A, OptionValue["Prefix"], OptionValue["Infix"], OptionValue["Suffix"], OptionValue["RowSep"], OptionValue["Precision"] ]; Running the test example. A = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, {1000, 1000}]; file = "test.txt"; Put[file]; WriteRealMatrixToFile[file, A]; // AbsoluteTiming // First B = Import[file, "Table"]; // AbsoluteTiming // First Max[Abs[A - B]] > 0.618298 > > 1.40147 > > 5.55112*10^-17 This is almost 25 times faster than using `Export` with `"Table"` as export format: Export["A.txt", A, "Table"]; // AbsoluteTiming // First > 16.0703