Here is a quick first draft: DynamicModule[{s = 0, pt = {0, 1}}, Column@{ClickPane[ Dynamic[Show[Refresh[Graphics[ClockGauge[]], UpdateInterval -> 1], Graphics[{Red, Point[pt]}]]], (pt = #; s = 30*(1 + ArcTan[-pt[[2]], -pt[[1]]]/Pi)) &], DynamicWrapper[Dynamic@s, If[DateValue["Second"] == Round[s], EmitSound[Sound@SoundNote["C", 0.5, "Flute"]]], UpdateInterval -> 1]}] I'll leave the further refinement to you. ---------- In response to a [comment]( Using the value of `Clock`: DynamicModule[{pt = {0, 1}, secondHand = Line[{{0, 0}, {0, 55}}], clock = 0}, Column@{ClickPane[ Dynamic[Show[Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}, 60]], Graphics[ Dynamic[{Rotate[secondHand, (clock = Clock[{0, 59, 1}])*-Pi/30, {0, 0}]}]], Graphics[{Red, Point[pt]}]]], (pt = #; s = 30*(1 + ArcTan[-pt[[2]], -pt[[1]]]/Pi)) &], DynamicWrapper[Dynamic@s, If[clock == Round[s], EmitSound[Sound@SoundNote["C", 0.5, "Flute"]]], UpdateInterval -> 1]}] Using the rotated `secondHand`: DynamicModule[{pt = {0, 1}, secondHand = Line[{{0, 0}, {0, 55}}], rSH}, Column@ {ClickPane[ Dynamic[Show[Graphics[Circle[{0, 0}, 60]], Graphics[ Dynamic[{rSH = Rotate[secondHand, Clock[{0, 59, 1}]*-Pi/30, {0, 0}]}]], Graphics[{Red, Point[pt]}]]], (pt = #; s = 30*(1 + ArcTan[-pt[[2]], -pt[[1]]]/Pi)) &], DynamicWrapper[Dynamic@s, If[rSH[[2]]*-30/Pi == Round[s], EmitSound[Sound@SoundNote["C", 0.5, "Flute"]]], UpdateInterval -> 1]}]