*Mathematica* gives the following very odd result, Integrate[Sin[Sqrt[x]]/Sqrt[x], {x, 1, ∞}] (* 2 Cos[1] *) which seems unintuitive. The integrand has an easy to find antiderivative, Integrate[Sin[Sqrt[x]]/Sqrt[x], x] (* -2 Cos[Sqrt[x]] *) When we evaluate this at the limits of integration, nothing surprising, Function[x, -2 Cos[Sqrt[x]]] /@ {∞, 1} (* {Interval[{-2, 2}], -2 Cos[1]} *) And it isn't that *Mathematica* can't handle the difference between an `Interval` object and a number, Differences@% (* {Interval[{-2 - 2 Cos[1], 2 - 2 Cos[1]}]} *) So why does it seem so confident that the answer is `2 Cos[1]`?