The "canonical" way is to find a pattern (here, `{Black, Thick}`) that matches what the boundary is made of and extract it from the graphics object. So given pt = RegionPlot[{{x^3 - y^2 > 2 y && x^2 + y^3 > 2 x}, {x^3 - y^2 < 2 y && x^2 + y^3 > 2 x}}, {x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, .1}, PlotStyle -> {Green, Yellow}, BoundaryStyle -> {Black, Thick}]; bdy=Cases[Normal@First@pt, {Black, Thick, __}, Infinity]; Graphics[bdy] ![enter image description here][1] **---EDIT 2---** In diagonally reading your question, I missed the requirement for the boundary between the two. The following will work on the particular dataset. First, you can extract the points from the `bdy`: points = Cases[bdy, Line[a___] -> a, Infinity] and you will notice that there are two components each corresponding to one region. I thought that `Intersection` wouldn't work for the two but as @eldo points out, it turns out it does: bdy = First /@ GatherBy[Intersection@@points, First] (* so that there are no duplicate x coords*); gives the boundary points which can be fitted to a model of your liking or interpolate or whatever: fit = Interpolation[bdy, InterpolationOrder -> 1]; Plot[fit[x], {x, -1, 0}, Epilog -> {Red, PointSize -> Tiny, Point[points[[1]]~Join~points[[2]]]}, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Thick}] ![enter image description here][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: