Basically I am generating a grid in space (so a vector where v[[1]]=position 1 in x) and a random number of particles in space (so a vector where p[[1]]= position of particle 1 on space).

Afterwards, I want to see in which spaces of the grid the particles are and do somethings.

The Do is the specific part of the code I want to optimize. 

    rho = Compile[{{xp, _Real, 1}, {xg, _Real, 
    1}, {carga, _Real}, {np, _Real}, {ng, _Real}, {dx, _Real}},

    n = ng + 1;
      ρ = Table[carga*np/(dx*ng), n];
      ρ[[ng + 1]] = 0;
      Do[If[Abs[xp[[i]] - xg[[j]]] <= 
         dx, ρ[[j]] = ρ[[j]] - 
          carga*(1 - (Abs[xp[[i]] - xg[[j]]])/dx)/dx; r += 1, 0] , {i, 1, 
        np}, {j, 1, ng + 1}];
      ρ[[1]] = ρ[[1]] + ρ[[ng + 1]];]

Basically I am worried that I am thinking too much in terms of other languages and maybe mathematica has a better way to do this instead of using  

    If[Abs[xp[[i]] - xg[[j]]] <= 
That manually makes a lot of operations