This is clearly a bug. In addition to the weird fence shape, the scaling behavior is also changed: fence widths change when the plot is resized. A work-around is to post-process the output to straighten the fence lines and make fence widths independent of image size: ClearAll[repairFences] repairFences[w_] := Replace[#, Line[x_] /; Length[Dimensions@x] == 3 :> (Line[{Offset[{-w 72 /2 , 0}, #[[1,1]]], Offset[{w 72/2 , 0}, #[[1,1]]]}]& /@ Partition[x, 2]), All] & llp = ListLogPlot[Table[{i, Around[1 + Sin[i], 0.1 + 0.1 Cos[i]]}, {i, 0, 10, 1.0}], PlotRange -> {All, {0.01, 10}}, IntervalMarkers -> "Fences", IntervalMarkersStyle -> <|"FenceWidth" -> .3|> ] ; Row[Show[repairFences[.3] @ llp, ImageSize -> #]& /@ {200, 500}, Spacer[10]] [![enter image description here][1]][1] An alternative work-around is to remove `IntervalMarkersStyle -> <|"FenceWidth" -> .3|>` and post-process to modify the fence lines to desired length: llp2 = ListLogPlot[Table[{i, Around[1 + Sin[i], 0.1 + 0.1 Cos[i]]}, {i, 0, 10, 1.0}], PlotRange -> {All, {0.01, 10}}, IntervalMarkers -> "Fences" ] Make fences 20 printer's points long (fence length is independent of image size): llp2 /. Offset[{a_, _}, b_] :> Offset[{10 Sign[a] , 0}, b] [![enter image description here][2]][2] Make fences .3 user units long (fence length changes with image size): llp2 /. Offset[{a_, _}, {b_, c_}] :> {b + .15 Sign[a], c} [![enter image description here][3]][3] You can still use `IntervalMarkersStyle` to style the fences: llp3 = ListLogPlot[Table[{i, Around[1 + Sin[i], 0.1 + 0.1 Cos[i]]}, {i, 0, 10, 1.0}], PlotRange -> {All, {0.01, 10}}, IntervalMarkers -> "Fences", IntervalMarkersStyle -> <|"FenceStyle" -> Red|>]; llp3 /. Offset[{a_, _}, {b_, c_}] :> {b + .5 Sign[a], c} [![enter image description here][4]][4] **Update:** using the second approach to make a function: ClearAll[modifyFenceWidth] modifyFenceWidth[arg : h_[w_] | w_] := # /. Switch[Head[arg], Offset, Offset[{a_, _}, b_] :> Offset[{ w Sign[a]/2 , 0}, b], Real, Offset[{a_, _}, {b_, c_}] :> {b + w/2 Sign[a], c}, Scaled, Offset[{a_, _}, {b_, c_}] :> {b + w Abs[Subtract @@ PlotRange[#][[1]]]/2 Sign[a], c}] & ***Examples:*** you can specify the fence width in user units, printer's points or as fraction of the plot width: Row[Labeled[modifyFenceWidth[#] @ llp2, Style["modifyFenceWidth @ " <> ToString[#], 18], Top] & /@ {.4, Offset @ 20, Scaled @ .1}, Spacer[10]] [![enter image description here][5]][5] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: