This is the obvious solution, but it requires a lot of fussing with the details.  I hope that you can use my code as a starting point.  I am explicitly using years as the basic unit, so the code I give only works well if the data spans several years.

    aapl = FinancialData["AAPL", {2000}];
    (* extract start and end years  *)
    {startYear, endYear} = aapl[[{1, -1}, 1, 1]]
    (* these are tick mark and grid line locations *)
    marks = Range[startYear, endYear];

    (* these are label locations (all on Jul 1); 
       I only show every second year for lack of space, 
       change it to fit your needs *)
    labels = Table[{{year, 7, 1}, year, 0}, {year, startYear, endYear, 2}];
    DateListPlot[aapl, Joined -> True, 
     GridLines -> {List /@ marks, Automatic},
     FrameTicks -> {
       Join[labels, {{#, 1, 1}, Null} & /@ marks],
       {{#, 1, 1}, Null} & /@ marks,

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You can consider rotated labels for better space usage:

    labels = Table[{{year, 7, 1}, Rotate[year, 90 Degree], 0}, 
                {year, startYear, endYear}];

![Mathematica graphics](