Three months ago, I asked a quesion about B-Spline basis function [here](,
Today, I used this function to plot B-spline curve.

###The definition of $N_{i,p}$

      NBSpline[i_Integer, 0, knots_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] && OrderedQ[#] &),u_] /;
       i <= Length[knots] - 2 :=
       {{1, knots[[i + 1]] <= u < knots[[i + 2]]},
        {0, u < knots[[i + 1]] || u >= knots[[i + 2]]}}]

      coeff[u_, i_, j_, knots_] /; knots[[i]] == knots[[j]] := 0;
      coeff[u_, i_, j_, knots_] := (u - knots[[i]])/(knots[[j]] - knots[[i]])

      NBSpline[i_Integer, p_Integer, knots_?(VectorQ[#, NumericQ] && OrderedQ[#] &), 
        u_] /;p > 0 && i + p <= Length[knots] - 2 :=
       Module[{init, res},
        init = Table[NBSpline[j, 0, knots, u], {j, i, i + p}];
        res = First@
         Dot @@@
            {Partition[#, 2, 1],
             With[{m = p + 2 - Length@#},
               {coeff[u, k + 1, k + m + 1, knots],
                coeff[u, k + m + 2, k + 2, knots]}, {k, i, i + Length@# - 2}]]}) &,
        init, p]


###The definition of B-Spline curve

   $$\overset{\rightharpoonup }{C}(u)=\sum _{i=0}^n N_{i,p}(u) \overset{\rightharpoonup }{P}_i
\text{    }\qquad
(a\leq u\leq b)$$

where, $P_i$ is the control point, the $N_ {i, p} (u)$ are the pth - degree Bspline
basis functions  defined on the nonperiodic (and nonuniform) knot vector

$\{\underbrace {a,\cdots ,a}_{p+1},u_{p+1},\cdots u_{m-p-1},\underbrace {b,\cdots,b}_{p+1}\}$


###Trail 1 

(Update) with george2079's solution

     BSplinePlot1[pts : {{_, _} ..}, knots_, opts : OptionsPattern[Plot]] :=
     Module[{p = Length@First@Split[knots] - 1, a, b},
      {a, b} = {First[knots], Last[knots]};
          NBSpline[First@#2 - 1, p, knots, u] #1 &, pts], {u, a, b}, opts


     pts3 = {{1, 6}, {2, 8}, {3, 6}, {4, 12}, {7, 11}, {9, 3}, {12, 7}, {14, 5}, {15, 8}, {17, 8}};
     knots3= {0, 0, 0, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 1, 1, 1};

     BSplinePlot1[pts3, knots3, ImageSize -> 600]

> ![enter image description here][1]

     Graphics[{BSplineCurve[pts, SplineKnots -> knots], Green, Line[pts], 
      Red, Point[pts]}] // AbsoluteTiming

> ![enter image description here][2]



   * Is there any method to speed up the calculation of `NBSPline`?

    See [george2079's solution]( and [my answer](
   * How to deal with the problem of **discontinuity** shown in the first graph?

   Add the option `PlotPoints`
