A simple example of what I'm trying to do (but I want to be able to apply the same principle to much larger data sets and with more complicated functions for `low` and `high`): data = {1, 5, 6, 9, 13, 20, 67, 68, 80, 97}; xList = Range[10]; low = (#1^1.9 & ) /@ xList; high = (#1^2.1 & ) /@ xList; table = Transpose[Join[{xList, low, data, high}, 2]]; TableForm[table] I want to apply a conditional `Style` to `data`: If[low < data < high, Style[data, Green], Style[data, Red]] Easy in principle - but everything I have tried results in error messages and strings of data that aren't in `TableForm`. How do I do it?