This is only an attempt to answer the question, **if** I understood it correctly. You want to *"cover the actual road connection between cities (...) based on the GoogleMap"*. **First step**: find the coordinates of the two cities you want to use as *edges* in your graphic: c1 = CityData["Sao Paulo", "Coordinates"]; c2 = CityData["Rio de Janeiro", "Coordinates"]; **Second step**: define the center of the map: center = (c1 + c2)/2; **Third step**: `Import[]` the actual Google Maps image based on the center you've specified Import["" <>ToString[center[[1]]] <> "," <> ToString[center[[2]]] <> "&zoom=6&size=400x400&sensor=false&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:O%7C" <> ToString[c1[[1]]] <> "," <> ToString[c1[[2]]] <>"&markers=color:red%7Clabel:D%7C" <> ToString[c2[[1]]] <> "," <> ToString[c2[[2]]]] ![enter image description here][1] **EDITED** After some research, I think it can also be done: Define the cities: from = ToString[c1[[1]]] <> "," <> ToString[c1[[2]]]; to = ToString[c2[[1]]] <> "," <> ToString[c2[[2]]]; Now use *Mathematica* to import data from Google with distance and time: distdata = Import["" <> from <> "&destination=" <> to <> "®ion=es&sensor=false", {"HTML", "Source"}]; Now find distance by road: roadDistance = StringSplit[StringSplit[distdata, ":"][[13]],","][[1]] > "429 km" Now find travel time: travelTime = StringSplit[StringSplit[distdata, ":"][[16]], ","][[1]] > "4 hours 44 mins" [1]: [2]: