The images have different color spaces, dimensions and image channels. How would you make a movie from that?

    ImageColorSpace /@ images // Union
    (*  ==> {"Grayscale", "RGB"}   *)
    ImageDimensions /@ images // Union
    (*  ==> {{256, 256}, {512, 512}, {1024, 1024}}  *)
    ImageChannels /@ images // Union
    (*   ==> {1, 3}  *)

You'd have to convert them all to the same format.

    images2 =  ImageResize[ColorConvert[#, "Grayscale"], {256, 256}] & /@ images

will do just that. You can now export it:

    Export["animation.avi", images2, "FrameRate" -> 1]

![enter image description here][1]
