The following function for $t>0$ ``` f[t_]:=1/(8 (-1+E^(2 t)) \[Pi]^(3/2)) E^t (MeijerG[{{1/2,1,3/2},{}},{{3/2},{}},-((2 I)/(5 t)),1/2]+MeijerG[{{1/2,1,3/2},{}},{{3/2},{}},(2 I)/(5 t),1/2]-MeijerG[{{1/2,1,3/2},{}},{{3/2},{}},-((2 I)/(3 t)),1/2]-MeijerG[{{1/2,1,3/2},{}},{{3/2},{}},(2 I)/(3 t),1/2]) ``` is actually an elementary function, by ``` Plot[Evaluate[4Exp[4t]f[t]],{t,0,1},WorkingPrecision->20] ``` [![enter image description here][1]][1] but `FunctionExpand` can not simplify it, ``` FunctionExpand[f[t],Assumptions->t>0] ``` [![enter image description here][2]][2] Is there some other way to deal with MeijerG functions (if not for Mathematica, is there some useful Python package for this?) [1]: [2]: