I'm sure I've seen this sort of thing done before, but now I can't find a working implementation anywhere.

Below I give a toy example that is just complex enough to illustrate the issues.  **(I provide full code after the problem's description.)**

First, consider this simple (and entirely meaningless) barchart:

    In[122]:= With[
       labels = BlockRandom[SeedRandom[-2];
                   RandomSample[DictionaryLookup[{"English", ___}], nItems]
      BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> labels
       , ChartStyle -> LightGray
       , BarOrigin -> Left
       , ImageSize -> 250
      , FrameStyle -> Thin

![Mathematica graphics](https://i.sstatic.net/tmgMs.png)

> The goal is to replace the text labels along the left with `Graphic` objects, ("graphic labels", if you will), in such a way that these labels *scale appropriately with the figure*.


For this (rather artificial!) example, the "graphic labels" I have in mind consist of several colored `Rectangle` objects lined up in a row, like this:

![Mathematica graphics](https://i.sstatic.net/qMgQ0.png)

(The black dot just marks the point (0, 0) in the barcode's internal reference frame; it is not part of the barcode.)

I defined a `barcode` function that, for any integer argument, generates a (random-but-reproducible) "barcode" like the one above.

Now, if I substitute such graphic labels for the text ones in the barchart, this is what I get:

    In[124]:= With[
       labels = Table[Graphics[barcode[i]], {i, Length[data]}]
      BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> labels
       , ChartStyle -> LightGray
       , BarOrigin -> Left
       , ImageSize -> 250
      , FrameStyle -> Thin

![Mathematica graphics](https://i.sstatic.net/UPqro.png)

Not great.  For one thing, the barcodes come out too big, and too far from the vertical axis.

But most seriously, the size of the barcodes does not change when `ImageSize` changes.  For example, if `ImageSize` is changed from 250 to 500, the result looks like this:

![Mathematica graphics](https://i.sstatic.net/1dX5K.png)

Confusingly enough, even though the size of the barcodes remains constant, the spacing *between* them changes in proportion to the change in `ImageSize`.


I'm looking for a way to set the size of the barcodes so that

  1. the height of the barcode corresponds to 1 plot unit (or slightly less), *while preserving the barcode's original aspect ratio*;
  2. the spacing between the barcodes and the (vertical) axis matches that between text labels and the axis;
  3. both the size of the barcode and the spacing between one barcode and the next one, and between the barcodes and axis *scale with the image*.

With enough trial-and-error, I can find a "solution" that meets requirements (1) and (2), but I have not been able to find one that *also* meets requirement (3).

The next section includes all the code referenced above; the last section documents some failed attempts at solving the problem.


    nItems = 10;
    data = BlockRandom[SeedRandom[-1];
       20 + RandomInteger[80, nItems]

      labels = BlockRandom[SeedRandom[-2];
        RandomSample[DictionaryLookup[{"English", ___}], nItems]
      BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> labels
       , ChartStyle -> LightGray
       , BarOrigin -> Left
       , ImageSize -> 250
      , FrameStyle -> Thin

    palette = ColorData[1, "ColorList"];
    basewidth = 0.5;
    baseheight = 1;
    nstrips = 8;
    baserect = Rectangle[{0, 0}, {basewidth, baseheight}];
    barcode[index_] := BlockRandom[
      Module[{colors = RandomSample[palette, nstrips]},
          baserect}, {(i - nstrips - 1) basewidth, -0.5 baseheight}], {i, 

    Graphics[{barcode[1], Disk[{0, 0}, 0.05]}, Frame -> True, ImageSize -> Medium]

      labels = Table[Graphics[barcode[i]], {i, Length[data]}]
      BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> labels
       , ChartStyle -> LightGray
       , BarOrigin -> Left
       , ImageSize -> 250
      , FrameStyle -> Thin

       labels = Table[Graphics[barcode[i]], {i, Length[data]}]
      BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> labels
       , ChartStyle -> LightGray
       , BarOrigin -> Left
       , ImageSize -> 500
      , FrameStyle -> Thin



**Using `Scaled`**

    Block[{baserect = 
       Rectangle[Scaled[{0, 0}], Scaled[{basewidth, baseheight}]]},
       labels = Table[Graphics[barcode[i]], {i, Length[data]}]
       BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> labels
        , ChartStyle -> LightGray
        , BarOrigin -> Left
        , ImageSize -> 250
       , FrameStyle -> Thin

![Mathematica graphics](https://i.sstatic.net/iKldg.png)

  - swatches within barcode overlap
  - overall scaling is wrong
  - positioning is wrong

**Drawing labels in plot-space**

      labels = 
       Table[Graphics[Translate[barcode[i], {0, i}]], {i, Length[data]}]
        BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> None
         , ChartStyle -> LightGray
         , BarOrigin -> Left
         , ImageSize -> 250
      , FrameStyle -> Thin

![Mathematica graphics](https://i.sstatic.net/B44Cy.png)

  - aspect ratio is wrong

**Using `Inset`**

      labels = 
       Graphics[Table[Translate[barcode[i], {0, i}], {i, Length[data]}]]
      BarChart[data, ChartLabels -> None
       , ChartStyle -> LightGray
       , BarOrigin -> Left
       , ImageSize -> 250
       , ImagePadding -> {{50, Automatic}, {120, Automatic}}
       , Epilog -> Inset[labels, {0, 0}]
      , FrameStyle -> Thin

![Mathematica graphics](https://i.sstatic.net/sEGWL.png)

  - overall scaling is wrong