Here is another possibility. The trouble with the use of either `SmoothKernelDistribution[]` or `KernelMixtureDistribution[]` is that neither of the two distributions take into account that the data are, well, points on a sphere! (Fine, more or less a sphere... :P)

In this [previous answer](, I illustrated the "spherical smooth histogram" function from [this paper](; among other things, the function will not suffer from boundary problems if, say, one wants to study the islands clustered around the International Date Line.

Only a few modifications are needed so that the density function is expressed in terms of longitude/latitude:

    (* U.S. outline *)
    uspoly = Reverse /@ First[CountryData["UnitedStates", "Coordinates"]];

    (* some cities *)
    uscities = Select[Reverse[CityData[#, "Coordinates"]] & /@ 
                      CityData[{Large, "UnitedStates"}], FreeQ[#, _Missing] &];
    (* unit vectors *)
    cityVecs = {Cos[#1] Cos[#2], Sin[#1] Cos[#2], Sin[#2]} & @@@ (uscities °);

    (* "robust" estimate of smoothing parameter *)
    c1 = (Length[cityVecs]^(1/3) (Length[cityVecs] - 1))/
         Total[ArrayPad[Drop[Sort[1 - cityVecs.Normalize[Total[cityVecs]]], -2],
                        {0, 2}, "Fixed"]];

    (* smoothing parameter, automatically determined by maximizing "pseudo-log likelihood" *)
    (* as a conservative estimate, the larger of the "pseudo-log likelihood" estimate
       and "robust" estimate is chosen *)
    c = Max[c1,
            With[{n = Length[cityVecs]}, First @ FindArgMax[
                 Sum[Log[Total[\[FormalC] Csch[\[FormalC]] Exp[\[FormalC]
                               Delete[cityVecs, k].Extract[cityVecs, k]]/
                               (4 π (n - 1))]], {k, n}], {\[FormalC], c1}, 
                 Method -> "PrincipalAxis"]]];

    (* spherical smooth density histogram *)
    With[{n = Length[cityVecs]}, 
         DensityPlot[Total[c Csch[c] Exp[c cityVecs.
                           {Cos[λ °] Cos[ϕ °], Sin[λ °] Cos[ϕ °], Sin[ϕ °]}]/(4 π n)],
                     {λ, -130, -60}, {ϕ, 20, 50},
                     AspectRatio -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> "ThermometerColors",
                     Mesh -> True, MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
                     PlotPoints -> 95, PlotRange -> All, 
                     RegionFunction -> (Graphics`PolygonUtils`InPolygonQ[uspoly,
                                                                         {#1, #2}] &)]]
![spherical smooth density histogram](


As another demonstration, here is a smooth histogram of the capital cities of the world:

    capitals = Select[Reverse[CityData[CountryData[#, "CapitalCity"], "Coordinates"]] & /@ 
                      CountryData[], FreeQ[#, _Missing] &];
    cVecs = {Cos[#1] Cos[#2], Sin[#1] Cos[#2], Sin[#2]} & @@@ (capitals °);

    (* smoothing parameter *)
    c1 = (Length[cVecs]^(1/3) (Length[cVecs] - 1))/
         Total[ArrayPad[Drop[Sort[1 - cVecs.Normalize[Total[cVecs]]], -2],
                        {0, 2}, "Fixed"]];
    c = Max[c1, 
            With[{n = Length[cVecs]}, First @ FindArgMax[
                 Sum[Log[Total[\[FormalC] Csch[\[FormalC]] Exp[\[FormalC] Delete[
              cVecs, k].Extract[cVecs, k]]/(4 π (n - 1))]], {k, n}],
              {\[FormalC], c1}, Method -> "PrincipalAxis"]]];

    hist = With[{n = Length[cVecs]}, Image[DensityPlot[
                 Total[c Csch[c] Exp[c cVecs.
                       {Cos[λ °] Cos[ϕ °], Sin[λ °] Cos[ϕ °], Sin[ϕ °]}]/(4 π n)],
                 {λ, -180, 180}, {ϕ, -90, 90}, AspectRatio -> Automatic,
                 ColorFunction -> "ThermometerColors", Frame -> False, Mesh -> True,
                 MeshFunctions -> {#3 &}, ImagePadding -> None, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
                 PlotPoints -> 95, PlotRange -> All, PlotRangePadding -> None], 
                ImageResolution -> 300]];

    ParametricPlot3D[{Cos[λ °] Cos[ϕ °], Sin[λ °] Cos[ϕ °], Sin[ϕ °]},
                     {λ, -180, 180}, {ϕ, -90, 90}, Axes -> None, Boxed -> False,
                     Lighting -> "Neutral", Mesh -> None, PlotStyle -> Texture[hist],
                     TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#4, #5} &)]
![spherical smooth histogram of capital cities](


For some reason, the performance of this method is rather slow for Vitaliy's India example; I'll do more research on how to make this method more efficient.