One way using string patterns: string = ImportString["<12> cfg <15.21> bhg v<(24)> e<65> True <12> cfg <15.21> bhg v<33> e<(77)> False <83> fff <67> bhg < > e<(43)> True <11> fff <14.21> bff v<(1.42)> e<44> True <76> cfg <76.3> fff < > e<21> True <98> cff <34> rrs v<33> < > True", "Lines"]; StringCases[string, { "<" ~~ p : NumberString ~~ ">" :> ToExpression[p], "<(" ~~ n : NumberString ~~ ")>" :> -ToExpression[n], "< >" -> "NA", "True" | "False" /. {"True" -> "T", "False" -> "F"} }] > {{12, 15.21, -24, 65, "T"}, {12, 15.21, 33, -77, "F"}, {83, 67, > "NA", -43, "T"}, {11, 14.21, -1.42, 44, "T"}, {76, 76.3, "NA", 21, > "T"}, {98, 34, 33, "NA", "T"}} The OP mentioned in a comment to Mr.Wizard that there are a few possible patterns that will count as "NA". This is easily accommodates with this solution, e.g. using `WhiteSpace` as Mr.Wizard suggests.