The plot is sped up substantially if you use `Evaluate`: ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[ Total@MapIndexed[NBSpline[First@#2 - 1, p, knots, u] #1 &, pts]] , {u, a, b}, opts] (I only looked a trial 1 , but I think your other try have the same issue ) It helps a little more if you remove the `Simplify` from `NBSpline` and simplify the whole thing: ParametricPlot[ Evaluate[Total@ MapIndexed[NBSpline[First@#2 - 1, p, knots, u] #1 &, pts] // Simplify], {u, a, b}, opts] Your original form is a sum of piecewise expressions. The outer `Simplify` condenses the whole thing into a single piecewise. The gaps seem to relate the nature of the discontinuity in derivatives of the bspline w/ respect to its parameter at the knots, which evidently fools `Parametric Plot` into thinking there is an actual discontinuity. The gaps close with `PlotPoints -> 1000` , though if you look at the graphics produced you'll see you still have separate `Line`s for each portion. I don't think there is anything to do about that except not use `ParametricPlot`. You might try doing away with `ParametricPlot` and doing `Graphics@Line@Table .. `, which may speed it up as well.