Ticks and Frame don't play well together. This get's you part of the way... Plot[ With[{z = 1.1*E^(I u) + 0.908*E^(-I u)}, Re[z] + 0.78*Log[Abs[z - 2]] + 0.64*Log[Abs[z - 1]] + 0.254*Log[Abs[z^2 - z - 1]] + 0.173*Log[Abs[z]]], {u, -15, 15}, PlotStyle -> {Black}, PlotRange -> {{-8, 8}, {-2, 1}}, AspectRatio -> 1, AxesLabel -> (Style[#, 14] & /@ {"\[CurlyPhi]", "f"}), GridLines -> {Range[-8, 8, .5], Range[-2, 1, .2]}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, Ticks -> {Range[-8, 8, .5], None}, (* Frame ->True, *) (* FrameTicks-> {{Range[-2,1,.2],Automatic},None}, *) PlotLabel -> Style[TraditionalForm[ HoldForm[ Re[z] + 0.78*ln[Abs[z - 2]] + 0.64*ln[Abs[z - 1]] + 0.254*ln[Abs[z^2 - z - 1]] + 0.173*ln[Abs[z]] <= 0.3999]], "TR", Black, 14], ImageSize -> Large] [![enter image description here][1]][1] You could add a tick scale to the left side and show it with the plot in a `Row[ ]` I'll give it some more thought. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/cAjm0.png