I have been working on my senior project that involves the creation of a CDF with multiple `Manipulate`expressions. I need to protect my code so I have been trying to create/encode a package that will run the program. I have gotten the program to work flawlessly as a notebook in MMA, but as a CDF I get shadowing errors. I have 54 functions in the code and many of my functions use the same variables which are changed by the user input. I have tried to put all of the code in a single package then set the initialization of each `Manipulate` to the same package, but I get errors. It seems like I need to have a package for each `Manipulate`, then have a function at the beginning of the program to call each package. I am not sure. Here is a scaled-down version.

      Initialization :> (SuccessfulShotsFor = {};)]

      Initialization :> (
        iSSF[] := 
              Button[Style[SomeStyle], , Background -> SomeBackground], 
                (ptevent0 := 
                  (If[Extract[#, {1}] < 575, {1150, 740} - #, #]) &;
                  Show[Image, ImageSize -> {1150, 740}]), 
                AppendTo[SuccessfulShotsFor, ptevent0[MousePosition["Graphics"]]], 
                Appearance -> Frameless], 
            WindowTitle -> "Successful Shots For", WindowFrame -> "Normal", 
            Background -> RGBColor[51/240, 163/240, 220/240], 
            Editable -> False, TextAlignment -> Center , 
            WindowSize -> {1200, 825}, WindowFloating -> False, 
            WindowMargins -> {{0, Automatic}, {Automatic, 0}}]))]


     Initialization :> (
         SuccessfulShotsFor_] := 
                  AspectRatio -> Full, PlotRange -> {{0, 1150}, {0, 740}}, 
                  ColorFunction -> "GreenPinkTones", Frame -> False, 
                  PlotRangePadding -> 0, ImageSize -> {1150, 740}], 
              "ERROR: no user input"]
                 AspectRatio -> Full, PlotRange -> {{0, 1150}, {0, 740}}, 
                 PlotMarkers -> {SomePlotMarker}, Frame -> False, 
                 PlotRangePadding -> 0, ImageSize -> {1150, 740}, 
                 Background -> RGBColor[0, 62/240, 5/240], Axes -> False], 
             "ERROR: no user input"]))]


`SuccessfulShotsFor` has been giving me a ton of trouble. Once in a package, the value (which gets changed by the user input on the second `Manipulate`) takes on a different name which does not get passed on to the third `Manipulate`, which displays the images for the user to copy. 

I am running these CDFs in _Mathematica_. I read about the `$ContextPath`, and I think that is the where the problem lies, but I am not experienced enough to implement the fix.