Here is a bit different solution 

    d = Transpose@data;
    ListLinePlot[ Transpose@{Reverse@d[[1]], d[[2]]}, 
                  Ticks -> {Transpose@{Range[20, 100, 10], Range[100, 20, -10]}, Automatic}]

![enter image description here][1]

If we don't like to specify in advance ranges of ticks, here is another, more general approach : 

    ListLinePlot[ Transpose @ { Reverse@ d[[1]], d[[2]]}, 
                  Ticks -> {Transpose @ { Range[ Min[#], Max[#], 
                                         10^(Ceiling@Log[10, (Max[#] - Min[#])] - 1)] &@d[[1]], 
                                         Range[Max[#], Min[#], 
                                         -10^(Ceiling@Log[10, (Max[#] - Min[#])] - 1)] & @ d[[1]]},

