The following is a variation on Heike's answer allowing different colors and durations for different graphics objects: ClearAll[signal1]; signal1[dta_, duration_, color_][t_] := Piecewise[{{{Lighter[color, (t - dta[[-1]])/duration], Disk[dta[[{3, 2}]], dta[[5]]/10]}, dta[[-1]] <= t < dta[[-1]] + duration}, {{}, t < dta[[-1]] || dta[[-1]] + duration <= t}}]; With[{tmin = AbsoluteTime[{2012, 3, 19, 23, 0}], tmax = AbsoluteTime[{2012, 3, 20, 0, 0}]}, frames = Table[ Graphics[{{White, Rectangle[{10, 43}, {13, 46}]}, Text[Style[ DateString[ t, {"Day", " ", "MonthNameShort", " ", "Year", " ", "Hour", ":", "Minute"}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> 20], {10.8, 45.85}], MapThread[{signal1[#1, #2, #3][t]} &, {data, {3600, 2400, 900}, {Red, Green, Blue}}]}], {t, tmin, tmax, 60}]]; Export["fadingdisks1.gif", frames, "DisplayDurations" -> .03] ![enter image description here][1] Another variation that ties the disk radii to time: ClearAll[signal2b]; signal2b[dta_, duration_, color_][t_] := Switch[dta[[-1]] <= t < dta[[-1]] + duration, True, {Lighter[color, (t - dta[[-1]])/duration], Disk[dta[[{3, 2}]], (1 - (t - dta[[-1]])/duration) dta[[5]]/ 10]}, _, {}]; With[{tmin = AbsoluteTime[{2012, 3, 19, 23, 0}], tmax = AbsoluteTime[{2012, 3, 20, 0, 0}]}, frames = Table[ Graphics[{{White, Rectangle[{10, 43}, {13, 46}]}, Text[Style[DateString[ t, {"Day", " ", "MonthNameShort", " ", "Year", " ", "Hour", ":", "Minute"}], FontFamily -> "Helvetica", FontSize -> 20], {10.8, 45.85}], MapThread[{signal2b[#1, #2, #3][t]} &, {data, {3600, 2400, 600}, {Red, Green, Blue}}]}], {t, tmin, tmax, 60}]]; Export["fadingdisks2b.gif", frames, "DisplayDurations" -> .03] ![enter image description here][2] Note: You can also use `{color, Opacity[1 - (t - data[[-1]])/duration],...}` instead of `{Lighter[color, (t - data[[-1]])/duration},...}` in definitions of `signal1` and `signal2b`. [1]: [2]: