From a matrix `m={{1, 1}, {-1, 1}}`, a vector `b={1, 2}`, and a list of variables `vars={x,y}` we can generate a list of linear equations using the matrix equation `m.vars==b` which gives `{x+y,-x+y}=={1,2}`. How do I transform equations into `eqs={1-x,x+2}`? In other words how do I solve for `y = rhs` but only returning the rhs? I tried different things including picking parts with `Part` and `ReplaceAll` rules and transformations but none worked. The reason I want equations in rhs form is that I figured out how to "visualize" linear equations using `Plot`. All other tutorials including Wolfram documentation and published books use `ContourPlot` or graphics primitives `Line` for this which I find too cumbersome for such simple lines. With `Plot` it is very easy to do `Plot[eqs,{x,-10,10}]`. Here is my code to facilitate a solution... vars = {x,y}; m = {{1, 1}, {-1, 1}}; b = {1, 2}; eqs = m.vars == b; the solution should be equivalent to this... eqs={1-x,x+2}; Plot[eqs,{x,-10,10}] [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: