This looks like a Lotka-Volterra competition model with weak, symmetric interspecific competition. If I understand correctly, you want to build up a community by introducing new species every `T=50` time steps, where the new species has initial density of 0.01 times one of the existing species. Call me old-fashioned, but I think this is easiest to understand when handled in an iterative `Do` loop: nmax = 5; (* max number of species *) T = 50; (* period *) nu = 0.05; (* interspecific competition coefficient *) (* set up unknown vars and differential equations, for n species *) vars := Table[Subscript[x, j], {j, n}]; eqns := Table[Subscript[x, j]'[t] == Subscript[x, j][t] (1 - Subscript[x, j][t]- nu (Sum[Subscript[x, k][t] Boole[k != j], {k, n}])) , {j, n}]; (* initial ICs *) ics = {Subscript[x, 1][0] == 0.7}; (* main loop *) Do[ (* solve for n species *) sol[n] = NDSolve[{eqns, ics}, vars, {t, 0, T}][[1]]; (* plot dynamics *) Print[Plot[Evaluate[Table[Subscript[x, j][t], {j, n}] /. sol[n]], {t, 0, T}, PlotRange -> {0, All}]]; (* set up ICs for n=n+1 species *) ics = Join[ Table[Subscript[x, j][0] == Evaluate[Subscript[x, j][T] /. sol[n]], {j, n}], {Subscript[x, n + 1][0] == Evaluate[0.01 Subscript[x, RandomInteger[{1, n}]][T] /. sol[n]]} ]; , {n, nmax}] ![Mathematica graphics]( ![Mathematica graphics]( ![Mathematica graphics]( ![Mathematica graphics]( ![Mathematica graphics]( Not sure how interesting this is, since I believe this symmetric LV system has a globally stable equilibrium at $x_i=1/(1-(n-1)nu)$ as long as $0<nu<1$, but you could use this as a basis for more interesting explorations of community assembly. **Edit** Here's a 3D phase portrait of the first three periods for @MMM: Show[ ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[{Subscript[x, 1][t], 0, 0} /. sol[1]], {t, 0, T}], ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[{Subscript[x, 1][t], Subscript[x, 2][t], 0} /. sol[2]], {t, 0, T}], ParametricPlot3D[Evaluate[{Subscript[x, 1][t], Subscript[x, 2][t], Subscript[x, 3][t]} /. sol[3]], {t, 0, T}], PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {0, 1}, {0, 1}} ] ![Mathematica graphics](