Here's a way to do it. First we'll use this as our `DockedCell` expression: newDockedCell = Cell[ BoxData@ToBoxes@ Pane[ Import[""], ImageSize -> { FEPrivate`Part[ FrontEnd`AbsoluteCurrentValue[FrontEnd`EvaluationNotebook[], WindowSize], 1], Automatic }, ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit", Alignment -> Center ] ]; Then just add these style edits to the stylesheet however you like. This is my preferred short-hand (using custom package-level functions), but the easiest thing is just to do it manually as you have done: StyleSheetEdit[ "Notebook", DockedCells -> newDockedCell, "MakeCell" -> True ] StyleSheetEdit[ "DockedCell", { CellFrameMargins -> 0, Background -> White }, "MakeCell" -> True ] The key here is this: FEPrivate`Part[ FrontEnd`AbsoluteCurrentValue[FrontEnd`EvaluationNotebook[], WindowSize], 1] That will be computed by the front-end directly and give the notebook width. By setting these: ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit", Alignment -> Center The [`Pane`]( will force the content to be centered and take on that size and shrink if constrained. You can see from these that it works: [![small][1]][1] [![medium][3]][3] [![large][2]][2] ### Getting this into the stylesheet: This can be a little annoying to add to the stylesheet, so here's an effective way to do this: - Go to the stylesheet - Find the style `CellObject` for `"Notebook"`. This can be most easily gotten via `PreviousCell` or `NextCell`. - Run this: <p></p> SetOptions[thatCell, DockedCells->newDockedCell] - Select that cell and toggle Show Expression on and off It should work after that [1]: [2]: [3]: