Since you are looking for duplicates you could adapt any of the methods shown in [this answer.][1]

Using the first one for example:

    dupeQ =
        f[y_] := (f[y] := Return[True, Module]; y);
        Scan[f, #]; False
      ] &;

This particular one has an advantage on long lists in that it will "short-circuit" on the first duplicate found rather than proceeding through the end of the list as `Union` or `DeleteDuplicates` will.  Example:

    a = Range[1*^7];
    a[[{1, 50}]] = 3.14159;

    dupeQ[a] // Timing

>     {0., True}

    a != DeleteDuplicates[a] // Timing

>     {5.944, True}

For this example I stacked the deck in my favor; by replacing elements in an Integer list with Reals I force the list to unpack.  In this situation and with an early duplicate (positions 1 and 50) my method is about 65,000 times faster.  For a case with a packed array `dupeQ` is slower than `DeleteDuplicates` but not as dramatically:

    a = Range[1*^7];
    a[[50]] = 7;
    dupeQ[a] // Timing

>     {0.359, True}

    a != DeleteDuplicates[a] // Timing

>     {0.031, True}


Following up on this comment of yours:

> Anyway I was wondering if you could save information about the argument repeated: I mean from your approach I can't tell which was the argument repeated.

One could return the duplicate value if one is found and `False` otherwise:

    dupe =
        f[y_] := (f[y] := Return[y, Module]; y);
        Scan[f, #]; False
      ] &;

This function has the same advantage of short-circuiting that the first one does.
