Overall, I'm quite happy with my **[Lissajous Curves](http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LissajousCurve.html)** poster maker; however, getting the final touches of the graphics just right has been a challenge. I've tried two different ways of constraining equally the proportions between curves: 1) Force the plot label ratio above to one line and; 2) Tried to force the proportions of the using `PlotRange`. I don't suppose there are any *Mathematica* experts out there who would care to share some ways of improving this graphical function? (I'm hoping to do some really big plots using my free *Mathematica* online cloud credits.) makeLcurves[cols_,rows_] := Module[{graphics, radius = 0.45}, (* Subroutines *) functionX[anglevar_, freq_] := radius * Sin[freq anglevar]; functionY[anglevar_, freq_] := radius * Cos[freq anglevar]; (* Draw Graphics*) graphics = Table[ ParametricPlot[{functionX[t,x],functionY[t,y]},{t,0,2 Pi }, Frame->False, Axes->False, PlotStyle->Directive[Thick,Black], PlotRange->{{-.5,.5},{-.5,.5}}, Mesh->Automatic, PerformanceGoal->"Speed", PlotLabel->TraditionalForm[x/y ], AspectRatio->1], {x,rows},{y,cols} ]; GraphicsGrid[graphics, Frame->All, ImageSize->800] ] makeLcurves[6,6] // Rasterize [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/gx7LX.png