This post is a continuation and modified version of an [earlier post][1] from few years ago. Please help with the Dynamic function capturing data from a Serial stream from Arduino. I am not having luck with Dynamic capture of data from an Arduino serial port. Here is my code dev = DeviceOpen["Serial", "COM3"] parseData[{val1__, 44, val2__, 44, val3__}] := ToExpression@FromCharacterCode@# & /@ {{val1}, {val2}, {val3}} parseData[___] := Sequence[] rawReadings = {} task = SessionSubmit[ ScheduledTask[ AppendTo[rawReadings, DeviceReadBuffer[dev, "ReadTerminator" -> 10]], {1, 100}, "AutoRemove" -> true]] rawReadings test1 = parseData /@ rawReadings ListLinePlot[Transpose[parseData /@ rawReadings], PlotLegends -> Automatic] // Dynamic DeviceClose[dev] The Arduino sketch sends a group of 3 integers separated by a *coma* (ASCii 44) . Sometimes when loading, the buffer does send all 3 pairs and carriage return (ASCII 10). But not sure if this is the problem. So far, the code plots 3 or maybe 4 sets , then stops. I like to Dynamic plotting of the data stream from Arduino The code of the Arduino sketch is below. It is a modification of the original to print 3 sensor readings. #include <Wire.h> #include "Adafruit_AS726x.h" //create the object Adafruit_AS726x ams; //buffer para leer valores en bruto uint16_t sensorValues[AS726x_NUM_CHANNELS]; //buffer para guardar los valores calibrados( no esta siendo utilizado en este codigo) //float calibratedValues[AS726x_NUM_CHANNELS]; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); while(!Serial); // inicializa el pin digital LED_BUILTIN como un output. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); //inicia y permite la comunicacion con el sensor if(!ams.begin()){ Serial.println("could not connect to sensor! Please check your wiring."); while(1); } } void loop() { //lee la temperatura del sensor uint8_t temp = ams.readTemperature(); //ams.drvOn(); // descomentar esto si quieres usar el led del sensor para hacer medidas ams.startMeasurement(); //begin a measurement //permite que el sensor lea la data cuando este disponible bool rdy = false; while(!rdy){ delay(1000); rdy = ams.dataReady(); } //ams.drvOff(); //descomentar esto si quieres usar el led del sensor para hacer medidas //lee los valores! ams.readRawValues(sensorValues); //ams.readCalibratedValues(calibratedValues); //Serial.print("{"); //Serial.print("Temp: "); //Serial.print(temp); //Serial.print(","); //Serial.print(" Violet: "); //Serial.print(sensorValues[AS726x_VIOLET]); //Serial.print(","); //Serial.print(" Blue: "); Serial.print(sensorValues[AS726x_BLUE]); Serial.print(","); //Serial.print(" Green: "); //Serial.print(sensorValues[AS726x_GREEN]); //Serial.print(","); //Serial.print(" Yellow: "); Serial.print(sensorValues[AS726x_YELLOW]); Serial.print(","); //Serial.print(" Orange: "); //Serial.print(sensorValues[AS726x_ORANGE]); //Serial.print(","); //Serial.print(" Red: "); Serial.print(sensorValues[AS726x_RED]); //Serial.print("}"); Serial.println(); //Serial.println(); delay(400); } Here my results[![enter image description here][2]][2] [1]: [2]: