I have a function, f[dist_, samp_]:=somework[dist, samp] that I want to return `Null` or zero if passed a null distribution. I can't find a way to test for a difference between `Null` and Data distribution: none of `===`, `=!=`, `SameQ` and `==` can identify them. How can I tell if I'm being passed a `Null` value to handle it correctly? f[dist_, samp_]:=something[dist, samp] /; TrueQ[dist==DataDistribution] Seems to be close to what I want. EDIT: Edited for some clarity. Here's my function. If probKern is a Null, I want to return a Null, otherwise, I want to calculate the PDF for the sample, with the distribution. I can't quite get a handle on matching the types to make this work though. calcPDF[probKern_, samp_] := Null /; TrueQ[probKern != DataDistribution] calcPDF[probKern_Symbol, samp_] := PDF[probKern, samp] /; TrueQ[probKern == DataDistribution] edit: Okay, I'm still having trouble with this. Here's what I have: calcPDF[probKern_DataDistribution, samp_] := PDF[probKern, samp] calcPDF[Except[_DataDistribution, probkern_?DistributionParameterQ], samp_] := -1 calcPDF[_] := $Failed Given a data distribution and a value it works fine. In[38]:= calcPDF[data, 3] Out[38]= 0.007500611755 Given two numbers, it produces the symbolic value, rather than the -1 I was expect. (The -1 is just a placeholder) In[39]:= calcPDF[3, 3] Out[39]= calcPDF[3, 3] EDIT dec 5th: Running calcPDF by hand seems to result in correct results, but now, when it is threaded over data, the result is a single result of whatever you return in the Except case. There's two sets of distributions I'm running over the sample data, so the final result is a list of two Nulls (or -1's). If you remove the Except case, you get closer to the expected result - two lists 205 elements long, containing PDF's for entries with matching Distributions, and PDF[Null, value] for those without. I'm confused. Clear[calcPDF] (*calcPDF[probKern_, samp_]:=PDF[probKern, samp]; *) calcPDF[probKern_DataDistribution, samp_] := PDF[probKern, samp]; calcPDF[Except[_DataDistribution], samp_] := Null; (* Pass a list of samples, and a list of distributions's *) applyKernel[lsamples_, kernel_] := Thread[calcPDF[kernel, lsamples]]; (* Pass a list of samples, and a list of two lists of distribution's *) predClass[samples_, kernels_] := Map[applyKernel[samples, #] &, kernels]; predPDF = predClass[predictionSamples[[1]], kernels]