ComputeSum[A_, B_, M_] := A . Outer[KroneckerDelta, M, M] . B;
    (*A helper function that for additive assembly of `SparseArray`s (_Mathematica's_ default is first in, last out.) *)
    Options[MySparseArray] = {"Background" -> 0.};
    MySparseArray[X_, r_, f_ : Total] := 
      If[(Head[X] === Rule) && (X[[1]] === {}),
       With[{spopt = SystemOptions["SparseArrayOptions"]},
          "SparseArrayOptions" -> {"TreatRepeatedEntries" -> f}],
         SparseArray[X, r, OptionValue["Background"]],
    ComputeSum2[A_, B_, M_, k_] := Dot[
       MySparseArray[Partition[M + k + 1, 1] -> A, {2 k + 1}],
       MySparseArray[Partition[M + k + 1, 1] -> B, {2 k + 1}]
    ComputeSum3[A_, B_, M_] := Dot[
       Values[GroupBy[Transpose[{M, A}], First -> Last, Total]],
       Values[GroupBy[Transpose[{M, B}], First -> Last, Total]]

    n = 10000;
    A = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, n];
    B = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, n];
    k = 6;
    M = RandomInteger[{-k, k}, n];
    result = ComputeSum[A, B, M]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
    result2 = ComputeSum2[A, B, M, k]; // 
      AbsoluteTiming // First
    result3 = ComputeSum3[A, B, M]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
    Abs[result - result2]
    Abs[result - result3]
    Abs[result - result3]

> 16.8646
> 0.002846
> 0.006937
> 2.27374*10^-12
> 9.09495*10^-13


The idea of the two implementations is the same. We want to compute
   \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^n \alpha_i \, \delta_{M_i,M_j} \, \beta_j 
   &= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \sum_{j=1}^n \sum_{k=-6}^6 \alpha_i \, \delta_{M_i,k} \, \delta_{k,M_j} \, \beta_j 
   &= \sum_{k=-6}^6  \left( \sum_{i=1}^{n}\alpha_i \, \delta_{M_i,k} \right) \, \left(  \sum_{j=1}^n  \delta_{k,M_j} \, \beta_j \right)   
   & = u^T v,
   u_k = \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i \, \delta_{M_i,k}
   v_k = \sum_{j=1}^n \beta_j \, \delta_{M_j,k}.
The naive summation costs $O(n^2)$; but each of `u` and `v` can be computed in $O((2\,k +1) \, n)$ time. So the new algorithm has complexity 
O(2\,(2\,k +1) \,n + (2\,k +1)) = O(2\,(2\,k +1)\,n).
So if the range of `k` is much smaller than `n`, then we can save quite many flops this way.

Hence we may use

    MySparseArray[Partition[M + k + 1, 1] -> A, {2 k + 1}]

(where we have to add shift the integers in `M` to be all greater than `0`) or

    Values[GroupBy[Transpose[{M, A}], First -> Last, Total]]

to assemble the vector `u`. Likewise we can do it for `v`. And in the end we just have `Dot` `u` and `v` together to get the result.