I want to deploy an application to the Wolfram Programming Cloud set up with private permissions. I have been testing this functionality and getting behaviors I can't explain or overcome. The model syntax I'm using is from the help "Wolfram Language How To" -- "How to Set Cloud Object Permissions" - CloudDeploy[APIFunction[{"x" -> "Integer"}, #x^#x &], Permissions -> {{"[email protected]"} -> "Execute"}] For my testing purposes, I have simplified the example while maintaining the same syntax -- CloudDeploy["Hello", Permissions -> {{“[email protected]"} -> "Execute"}] For this purpose, I set up a free Cloud account using [email protected] for that purpose. (NB: I am not showing the actual email. "[email protected]" is a dummy for the purposes of this post. I'm running this in a notebook using Mathematica on Yosemite. I am logged into my Cloud account using my primary Wolfram user ID. In testing this functionality I always begin by quitting the kernel. The first time I run the Deploy function I get this error -- "StringJoin::string: String expected at position 2 in user-<>None. >>" and I also get a CloudObject[URL] as output. Interestingly, if I quit the kernel and run CloudDeploy[APIFunction[{"x" -> "Integer"}, #x^#x &], Permissions -> {{"[email protected]"} -> "Execute"}], in the "How To" notebook I get the same "StringJoin" error along with a URL. The second time the Deploy function runs, there is no "StringJoin" error. With regard to the URLs that are returned: I paste them into a "new Private Window". As expected, a sign in box is returned requesting Wolfram ID and Password. However, after entering The Wolfram ID and password (I am using as ID the email above -- "[email protected]"). The following message is always returned: “Something Went Wrong” “Oops. An error occurred. Please try again.” "If you continue to experience problems, please contact us." I know the password is correct because if I enter the incorrect password, I am told that the account is not recognized. This is a threshold issue I would like to get past before investing a lot of development time. I would appreciate any thoughts? Thanks.