My question is straightforward: How do I convert a continuous function into a discrete-valued function? The function I want to convert is the JacobiAmplitude function: ϕ[t_] = With[{k = 1.01}, JacobiAmplitude[k t, k^-3]]; Plot[ϕ[t], {t, 0, 50}] I am using `RSolve` to solve a second-order difference equation and want to add a discrete-time version of the `JacobiAmplitude` function to the model as a forcing term. I'd like to put a discrete-time `JacobiAmplitude` function, ϕ[n], into the following difference equation: RSolve[ {y[n + 2] - y[n + 1] + 0.99*y[n] == ϕ[n], {y[0] == 0, y[1] == 1, ϕ[0] == 0}}, y[n], n ]; ListPlot[ Transpose@Table[{y[n]} /. First[%], {n, 0, 350}], Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All ] I'd immensely appreciate any assistance.