I'm a little stuck with graph drawing part of my research — I can't use the `Graph` function for plotting my graphs, because my graph is a multi-graph. `Graph` is convenient because it colors edges quite easily. 

Since I have a 3-regular (or even 4-regular) graph, where there are 3 (or 4) perfect matching, I want each of the matching to be colored differently. 

What's the best way to color a group of edges in the given adjacency list in `GraphPlot`? To simplify it, we can assume, that groups goes one by one (e.g. we have 6 edges: 3 groups of two edges, following each other 

    {1<->2, 3<->4, 1<->3, 2<->4, 1<->2, 3<->4}

 In `Graph`, I've constructed a nice lambda function, that wraps all elements of a list in a  `Style` function, that colors the edge. But in a `GraphPlot` I can't wrap edges in a `Style` function.

There's an `EdgeRenderingFunction`, wich draws all the edges. How do I put three different `EdgeRenderingFunctions` for the one edge-set? Or is that the wrong way to go? 
Any ideas, how to do that?