Please tell me if this simplified function does what you want:

    f[x_, n_] := Round[x, 10^(1 - n + ⌊ Log10 @ Abs @ x ⌋)] ~SetPrecision~ n


    Table[f[x*Pi, 4], {x, {1/100, 1/10, 1, 10, 100}}]
    % // FullForm

>     {0.03142, 0.3142, 3.142, 31.42, 314.2}
>     List[0.03142`4., 0.3142`4., 3.142`4., 31.42`4., 314.2`4.]


## Update

The OP wrote:

> I understand that there is a difference in the 'implied precision' between the number `0.5` and `1/2` when entered in Mathematica. But my request is to perform a very simple calculation: consider the number `1.004` and double it. The answer is `2.008`. Then round it to 3 sig. fig, the answer is 2.01. Take that number, divide it by two/multiply by half/multiply by 0.5 (*mathematically equivalent*). The mathematical answer is 1.005. I did *not* ask to round the final answer to 3 sig. fig. as that could be done by doing `f` to the final answer. Is this possible?

I suspect that I am failing to comprehend the needs that are behind this request and as such that my recommendations may be inadequate or inappropriate.  However I am trying both to understand and to help, so I shall venture forward.

When performing the following operations:

    f[%, 3]
    x = %/2

>     2.008
>     2.01
>     1.01

The result is as desired *except* in the output formatting; the underlying value of `x` is correct as can be seen with `FullForm`:


>     1.005`3.

Increasing its precision also results in all four digits being formatted in output:

    SetPrecision[x, 4]

>     1.005

If this is not an acceptable method then perhaps setting a higher precision beforehand would be usable.  

    f[%, 3]
    f[%, 4]

>     2.008
>     2.01
>     2.010
>     1.005

If this too is not acceptable then to the best of my knowledge *Mathematica* has no floating point format that is, as you seem to want a fundamentally different precision arithmetic than what is implemented in *Mathematica*.

Perhaps working with Rational values could work for you.  As a rough and partial example:

    SetAttributes[num, NHoldAll]
    num /: num[x_] * y_. := num[x * y]
    num /: num[x_] + y_. := num[x + y]
    Format[num[x_]] := N[x]
    g[num[x_] | x_, n_] := num @ Round[x, 10^(1 - n + ⌊Log10@Abs@x⌋)]


    g[1.00412, 4]  (* step to show that g may be used more than once *)
    g[%, 3]

>     1.004
>     2.008
>     2.01
>     1.005


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