A simple array of integers is given. The problem is to detect if a pattern is repeatedly occurring in the array, and find the length of that pattern. For example, for {19, 6, 19, 6, 19, 6, 19, 6, 19, 6, 19, 6} pattern `{19, 6}` should be detected and its length is `2`. For {73, 7, 4, 73, 7, 4, 73, 7, 4, 73, 7, 4, 73, 7} pattern `{73, 7, 4}` should be detected and its length is `3`. (At the end of the array there need not be a complete pattern) For {73, 7, 4, 7, 2, 6, 7, 2, 7, 73, 9, 17, 7, 7} the whole array is the pattern and its length is `14`.