I am playing around with using `Tube` as an option under `PlotStyle` for a `ParametricPlot3D` curve, with the end-goal of exporting the model to .stl in order to 3D print it. Overall, it's working quite well, but I am consistently getting poor discretization of the tube along its azimuthal direction.

Here is one minimal example

     {Cos[ωt], Sin[ωt], 0}
     , {ωt, 0, π/2}
     , ImageSize -> 500
     , SphericalRegion -> True
     , PlotRange -> All
     , PlotStyle -> Tube[0.2]

which produces the following output,

> <img src="https://i.sstatic.net/30XD4.png" width="450">

which is much more clearly a discrete 12-gon prism than a cylinder.

**What control options do I have to improve the discretization along this dimension?**