[Not an answer, but too big for a comment]

An alternative approach is to write it as an integer linear program. Below is code for this, with appropriate post-processing omitted to confuse the weak-minded (starting with the author).

    n = Length[VertexList[g]];
    edges = EdgeList[g];
    vars = Array[x, {n, n}];
    fvars = Flatten[vars];
    tvars = Transpose[vars];
    c1 = Thread[Total[tvars] == 1];
    c2 = Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, fvars];
    c3 = Table[Map[x[#[[1]], j] + x[#[[2]], j] <= 1 &, edges], {j, n}];
    colvars = Array[y, n];
    c4 = Map[0 <= # <= 1 &, colvars];
    c5 = Table[n*colvars[[j]] >= Total[tvars[[j]]], {j, n}];
    obj = Total[colvars];
    allvars = Join[fvars, colvars];
    constraints = 
      Flatten[Join[c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, {Element[allvars, Integers]}]];
    Timing[min = FindMinimum[{obj, constraints}, allvars]]

This will not run in finite time for the example in question. There may be variations that do better though.

--- edit ---

One possibility for a heuristic approach based on this setup is to change the FindMinimum call to e.g.

    NMinimize[{obj, constraints}, allvars, 
     Method -> {"DifferentialEvolution", "CrossProbability" -> .1, 
       "SearchPoints" -> 100}, MaxIterations -> 500]

This is not alone sufficient though. I think you will need to play with giving an "InitialPoints" option as well. Have not had time to try that.

--- end edit ---