Consider the following functional as an example: ClearAll[urlModifier]; urlModifier[url_]:=ReplaceAll[Function@Evaluate[ Inactive[URLBuild][ URLParse[url]/.{"slot"->Inactive[StringReplace][Slot[]," "->"_"]} ] ],{Inactive[x_]:>x}]; If I evaluate it using the following command: urlModifier[""]["hello world!"] It fails probably because the `Slot[]` is not aligning with the `Function`. But if I do in-place evaluation of `urlModifier[""]` and use the result as input: URLBuild[<|"Scheme"->"https","User"->None,"Domain"->"","Port"->None,"Path"->{"","path",StringReplace[Slot[]," "->"_"]},"Query"->{},"Fragment"->None|>]&["hello world!"] It works fine. What should I do to `urlModifier` to make it accept the `Slot[]` for its `Function` that it creates?