I want to make a selector, wich allow to you to select first a date and depend of that date load a different makes list, and after that with a combination of both it you can select a specific car Manipulate[ years = Import["http://www.fueleconomy.gov/ws/rest/vehicle/menu/year", "XML"]; y = Cases[years, XMLElement["menuItem", _, _], Infinity] /. XMLElement[_, _, {val_}] -> val /. XMLElement["menuItem", _, list_] -> list; Do[y[[i]] = DeleteDuplicates[y[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[y], 1}]; years = y[[All, 1]]; makes = Import[StringJoin[ "http://www.fueleconomy.gov/ws/rest/vehicle/menu/make?year=", ToString@year], "XML"]; m = Cases[makes, XMLElement["menuItem", _, _], Infinity] /. XMLElement[_, _, {val_}] -> val /. XMLElement["menuItem", _, list_] -> list; Do[m[[i]] = DeleteDuplicates[m[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[m], 1}]; makes = m[[All, 1]]; Row[{makes}], {year, years}, {make, makes} ] The problem is that when you change the year the makes list change also, but it shows at row but not at `{make, makes}`