This is an enhanced version of the code in the answer of Leonid Shifrin. You can specify a starting and ending line number for a CSV or TSV file, a type option has been added, with rows ending with a newline. Notice also the CharacterEncoding option of ImportString that allows to display correctly UTF characters. ClearAll[impRows]; Options[impRows] = {type -> "CSV", start -> 0, end -> 1}; impRows[fname_String, OptionsPattern[]] := Module[ {result, ftype, startLine, endLine, strm, lines}, startLine = OptionValue[start]; endLine = OptionValue[end]; ftype = OptionValue[type]; (* Open the file stream *) strm = OpenRead[fname]; (* Skip a number of lines in the file *) Skip[strm, String, startLine]; (* Read each line terminated by a newline as a String *) lines = ReadList[strm, "String", endLine - startLine]; (* Close the stream *) Close[strm]; result = ImportString[ StringJoin[Riffle[lines, "\n"]], ftype, CharacterEncoding -> "UTF-8"] ] I am planning to include this piece of code on my [DBAPI project]( corrections or further enhancements are welcome.