Currently, from a variety of examples, and (mostly) the template generated by [my IDE][1], I get:

    (* Mathematica Package *)
    (* :Title: MyPkg *)
    (* :Context: MyPkg` *)
    (* :Author: Me *)
    (* :Date: 2015-12-17 *)
    (* :Package Version: 0.3 *)
    (* :Mathematica Version: 10.3 *)
    (* :Copyright: (c) 2015 Me *)
    (* :Keywords: *)
    (* :Discussion: *)
    (* USAGE:
    MyPkg::usage = "Test package";
    f::usage = "Solve it";
    g::usage = "Show the puzzle";
    (* ::Package:: *)
    (* ******************** Public exported functions and definitions *)
    f[x_] := p[x]/2;
    g[x_] := f[x] + q[x];
    (* ******************** Internal supporting functions and definitions *)
    p[x_] = x + 5;
    q[x_] = x + 10;
    End[] (* `Private` *)

But I'm confused about whether this is the right structure, or whether it does what I expect it to. Specifically:

 1. Is it really necessary or correct to define the package name in so many places? In the example, I have it in `Title`, `Context`, and `BeginPackage`, which seems redundant and prone to error.
 2. How do I ensure that reimports of my package (with `Get` reliable clear the symbols defined there before defining them again. I'v seem several different approaches, but while, `Unprotect@@Names["MyPkg*"];` and 
`ClearAll@@Names["MyPkg*"];` seem the most common, the don't seem to do anything. (And note again: I've had to specify the package name explicitly; is there a way to avoid that?)
 3. What is `(* ::Package:: *)` for? Where should it go? I can't find that documented anywhere.
 4. And what good is does the distinction among public, private, and exported symbols do anyway? If I <code>?"GCHQ`*"</code> I see *all* of them, even those that are private or local! 
 5. Some examples show ("protected") definitions between <code>End[] (* `Private` *)</code> and `EndPackage[]`; what goes there?

Any other tips on the correct structure for a package would also be appreciated. I can't seem to find consistent documentation on this, and much of what I can find is surpassingly old.
