From an experiment, I have a dataset of beat-to-beat heart rate data: a list of the time between each heart beat in [ms]. The data is measured using an infrared optic sensor at the finger tip. The sensor frequently misinterprets a slight movement of the finger as an heart beat. Data therefore often looks somewhat like this: {1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 500, 500, 1000, 1000, 1000, 600, 400, 1000} In this example, one can easily see that the 5th and 6th element should be one; same for the 10th and 11th. However, in real life the data looks more like this: data = {981, 870, 1099, 1105, 650, 397, 920, 917, 1015, 1085, 210, 344, 457, 950} where the 5-6 (`650, 397`) and 11-12-13 (`210, 344, 457`) should be taken together. It is easy to just delete the incorrect data by using something like: DeleteCases[data, x_ /; x < Mean[data] - StandardDeviation[data] || x > Mean[data] + StandardDeviation[data]] ...but I want to make a function that recognizes when multiple elements should be added to one. One could just add every two, three or four (=`length`) elements and select the `Cases` where the result lies (for example) in the range `Mean[data]±StandardDeviation[data]`: length = 2; Position[Total[data[[# ;; # + length]]] & /@ Range[Length[data] - length], x_ /; x > Mean[data] - StandardDeviation[data] && x < Mean[data] + StandardDeviation[data]] Result: {{5}, {11}, {12}} This gives me an idea of where the incorrect data is. Unfortunately, after having this result, I don't know what to do with it... For example, I get confused by the fact that elements 11-12-13 return 2 cases of incorrect data when I use `length=1`. And maybe there are more (simple) ways to filter this data. **Question: can anyone give me a kick-start?** Edit: You can download an example of actual data [here][1]. Just `Flatten[Import[filename,"Table"]]` [1]: