Here is the example from the [documentation]( adapted for the OP's data:

    data = MapIndexed[
       Flatten[{#2, #1}] &,
       {2, 5, 9, 15, 22, 33, 50, 70, 100, 145, 200, 280, 375, 495, 635, 800,
        1000, 1300, 1600, 2000, 2450, 3050, 3750, 4600, 5650, 6950}];
    f = Interpolation@data

>     (* InterpolatingFunction[{{1, 26}}, <>] *)

    pwf = Piecewise[
         MapIndexed[{InterpolatingPolynomial[#1, x], x < 1 First[#2] + 2} &, Most[#]],
         InterpolatingPolynomial[Last@#1, x]
         ] &@ Partition[data, 4, 1];
Here is a comparison of the piecewise interpolating polynomials and the interpolating function:

    Plot[f[x] - pwf, {x, 1, 28}, PlotRange -> All]

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The values of `f[27]` and `f[28]` are beyond the domain, which is `1 <= x <= 26`, and extrapolation is used.  The formula for extrapolation is given by the last `InterpolatingPolynomial` in `pwf`:

    (* 3750 + (850 + (100 + 25/3 (-25 + x)) (-24 + x)) (-23 + x) *)


In response to a comment:  The error in the plot has to do with round-off error.  Apparently the calculation done by `InterpolatingFunction`, while algebraically equivalent, is not numerically identical.  The error was greatest above in the domain `26 < x < 28` where extrapolation is performed.  With arbitrary precision, the error is zero, as shown below.

    Plot[f[x] - pwf, {x, 1, 28}, PlotRange -> All, 
     WorkingPrecision -> $MachinePrecision, Exclusions -> None, PlotStyle -> Red]

![Mathematica graphics](