Here's what I have been using. Any improvements / comments are welcome. (* this opens a notebook file and if notebook exists it CLEARS the contents as well *) OpenNB[fname_] := Module[{dir, fns, nb}, dir = NotebookDirectory[]; fns = FileNames[FileNameJoin[{dir, fname}]]; If[fns === {}, ( nb = CreateNotebook[]; NotebookSave[nb, FileNameJoin[{dir, fname}]]; ), ( nb = NotebookOpen[fns[[1]]]; SelectionMove[nb, All, Notebook]; NotebookDelete[nb]; ) ]; Return[nb]; ]; (* this works for a sequence of arguments, like Print[] *) PrintNB[nb_, args__] := Module[{}, ( If[nb === null, ( Print[args]; ), ( NotebookWrite[nb, Cell[BoxData@ToBoxes[SequenceForm[args]], "Print"] ]; ) ]; ) ]; PrintNBPageBreak[nb_] := Module[{}, ( NotebookWrite[nb, Cell["", "PageBreak"]]; ) ]; **Here is example usage** logNB = OpenNB["ouputlog.nb"]; PrintNB[logNB, "Execution Log for: ", NotebookFileName[]]; PrintNB[logNB, "Started at: ", DateString[]]; f[r] = r^\[Gamma]*Exp[-\[Kappa] r]; PrintNB[logNB, "f(r) = ", f[r]]; **Here is the output** [![enter image description here][1]][1] Note that is you use null for the notebook argument, the output will be printed to the current executing notebook (just like Print[]). [1]: