You can actually [`Delete`]( the head of the expression, which is part `0`:

    Delete[#, 0] & /@ {Cos[a], Sin[b], Tan[c]}

>     {a, b, c}

One case of interest may be held expressions.  If our expression is:

    expr = HoldComplete[2 + 2];

And the head we wish to remove is `Plus`, we *cannot* use these:

    Identity @@@ expr
    Sequence @@@ expr
    expr /. Plus -> Identity
    expr /. Plus -> Sequence
    Replace[expr, _[x__] :> x, 1]

All produce e.g.:

    HoldComplete[Identity[2, 2]]  (* or Sequence *)

We *can* use `Delete` or [`FlattenAt`](

    Delete[expr, {1, 0}]
    FlattenAt[expr, 1]

>     HoldComplete[2, 2]
>     HoldComplete[2, 2]

You could also use a pattern that includes the surrounding expression on the right-hand-side, as demonstrated [here][1], e.g.:

    expr /. h_[_[x__]] :> h[x]

>     HoldComplete[2, 2]


### Notes

1. Be aware that when there is no surrounding expression `Sequence` will appear in the output:

        Delete[Cos[a], 0]

    >     Sequence[a]

    Since this resolves to `a` in normal evaluation this should usually not be an issue.

2. The documentation for `Delete` reads:

    > Deleting the head of a whole expression makes the head be Sequence. »

    This is incorrect, as demonstrated by my example using `HoldComplete[2 + 2]`.  Since `HoldComplete` will hold `Sequence` expressions if this were true `Sequence` would appear in the output but it does not.
