I'm running a program that evaluates equalities after I substitute all symbols for numbers. The equalities on floats are giving me trouble. My program is reaching a point where something like the following is being evaluated:
```2.304793200735844`*^-8 == 2.30479302310016`*^-8 ```. This 
gives False, despite the difference being ```1.77636*10^-15```, which is below the Chop threshold of 10^-10. Running Chop on both numbers obviously doesn't fix the problem, since neither number is individually below the threshold.

```Chop[2.304793200735844`*^-8 - 2.30479302310016`*^-8 ]==0``` gives the correct result, but I can't easily make this change as not all comparisons are between floats or even lists of floats (Chop[a-b] == 0 or {0,0,0,...} is not always a valid way to test equality between a and b). 

I want to avoid overcomplicating my program: I don't want to do a ReplaceAll on ```a_==b_ /; (a and b are numbers) -> Chop[a-b]==0``` as this is very complicated, requires something like ```Hold```, and doesn't resolve the same exact issues which arise in the case of float inequality comparisons. There's gotta be a better way! If there's not, what's the best solution?

EDIT: My solution, which fixes equality for floats and lists of floats, is:

Equal[a_Real, b_Real] := Chop[a - b] == 0
Equal[a_List /; ! ContainsAnySymbol[a], b_List /; ! ContainsAnySymbol[b]] := 
   (Length@a == Length@b) && AllTrue[MapThread[#1 == #2 &, {a, b}], TrueQ]


ContainsAnySymbol[expr_] := Length@Cases[expr, _Symbol, Infinity, 1] == 1