Here the problem was solved with a different perspective. You may find other solutions but what made this interesting to me was transforming one problem into another. Here are the steps: 1. Create random points in 3d space 1. For each point, find points it covers 1. Build a graph out of these connections 1. Find a minimum set of points which can cover all the vertices by their neighborhood (aka cover all the pairs) Assume we have a set of pairs: ``` SeedRandom[75]; pairs = RandomInteger[{0, 3}, {20, 3}]; n = Length[pairs]; ``` pairs that have at least two similar axes will be associated for each pair, we can find them by: ``` Position[pairs, Alternatives @@ Table[ReplacePart[SOMEPAIR, i -> _], {i, 3}], {1}] ``` If we extend this code further, we could build an `AdjacencyMatrix` in which we want to select a minimum set of nodes that are never incident to the same edge (like [`FindIndependentVertexSet`]( but in minimum terms): ``` graphRules = DeleteDuplicatesBy[Sort]@ Catenate@ Table[Thread[ index \[UndirectedEdge] Catenate@ Position[pairs, Alternatives @@ Table[ReplacePart[pairs[[index]], i -> _], {i, 3}], {1}]], {index, n}]; adjacency = Unitize@AdjacencyMatrix[graphRules]; ``` Showing the graph: ``` Graph[graphRules] ``` [![enter image description here][1]][1] Now we find the vertex set: ``` result = LinearOptimization[ ConstantArray[1,n], {Join[DiagonalMatrix@ConstantArray[1, n], adjacency], Join[ConstantArray[0, n], ConstantArray[-1, n]]}, Integers] ``` Highlighting the vertex set: ``` HighlightGraph[graphRules, VertexList[graphRules][[Catenate@Position[result, 1]]]] ``` [![enter image description here][2]][2] The red vertices in the above graph are the pairs you're looking for. Each vertex in the graph is either red or is in the neighborhood of a red vertex (aka is a chosen pair or is covered by a chosen pair). If we get the pairs: ``` pairs[[VertexList[graphRules][[Catenate@Position[result, 1]]]]] (* Out: {{2, 3, 0}, {1, 2, 0}, {3, 0, 2}, {2, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 3}} *) ``` Visualizing the pairs: [![enter image description here][3]][3] ### Update 1 Since the above solution for large pairs like (`Tuples[Range[0, 6, 1], 3]`) takes quite a long time (mainly because of `LinearOptimization`), it could be faster in a static language. Here we'll discuss an alternative in `Julia` that is much faster than Mathematica in this particular case. Requirement: - [`Julia`]( (is free and open-source, after installing follow [Configure Julia for ExternalEvaluate]( - Package: [`JuMP.jl`]( - Package: [`HiGHS.jl`]( Now, start a `Julia` session: ``` juliaSession = StartExternalSession[<|"System" -> "Julia", "SessionProlog" -> "using JuMP, HiGHS"|>] ``` Define a function that accepts `adjacency` as input and returns the result: ``` juliaLinearOptimizer = ExternalFunction[juliaSession, "function temp(data) n=size(data)[1]; model = Model(); set_optimizer(model,HiGHS.Optimizer); @variable(model,v[1:n],Bin) @objective(model,Min,sum(v[1:n])) for row in eachrow(data) @constraint(model,sum(v.*row)>=1) end optimize!(model) return round.(value.(v)) end"] ``` It solved the 6x6x6 in `40` seconds! ``` Floor @ Flatten @ juliaLinearOptimizer[Normal[adjacency]] ``` Note that the first call may take a little more time. Also, don't forget to delete the object after you're done: ``` DeleteObject[juliaSession] ``` ### Comparison for 5x5x5 | Software/Language | Time (second) | | ------------- | ------------- | | Mathematica 13.0.1 (`LinearOptimization`) | 21 | | Matlab 2021a (`intlinprog`) | 11 | | Julia 1.7.2 (`HiGHS` 1.1.3 - 2nd time) | **1.5** | ### Update 2 For checking the correctness you can use: ``` DeleteCases[pairs, Alternatives @@ (({#1, #2, _} | {#1, _, #3} | {_, #2, #3}) & @@@ chosen)] ``` Where `pairs` are all the points and `chosen` are the picked ones. [1]: [2]: [3]: