This solution may generate a storm of criticisms but may also give you an idea of a path to follow to get where you want.  Note that this solution works perfectly in Mathematica 9 but in Mathematica 10 there is a problem that is preventing the last Graphics object added to copy to the right side with the right colors.  

       Labeled[Button["Copy to Right Side",
         Block[{cellContents = NotebookRead[EvaluationCell[]]},
          rightSide = 
           cellContents[[Sequence @@ 
               Position[cellContents, GridBox[{{_, _}}, ___]][[2]]]][[1, 
             1, 1, 1, 2]];
          rightSide = 
           ReplaceAll[DisplayForm@rightSide, GraphicsBox -> Graphics];
         , ImageSize -> Automatic
         ], Style[g, Deployed -> False]]
        "Copy of Left Side"
        , Dynamic@rightSide
     , Alignment -> Left

This is how it looks after the first evaluation:

![enter image description here][1]

And this is how it looks after adding two Graphics elements and pressing the "Copy to Right Side" button.

![enter image description here][2]
